What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties! In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is the quintessence of dust?
Hamlet (II, ii, 115-117)
William Shakespeare
(Für Schelling) Die reflexion ist danei "analytisch", bezieht sich aber auf eine vorausliegende "syntetische Anschauung" in der Anschauendes und Angeschautes identisch sind.
wikipedia, Reflexionen
Türkiye'de hukuk bilinci, hukuk kültürü, bireysel ve toplumsal hukuk algısı. | Essays of contemporary reflections on law as a conception in culture and perception by individuals and communities in Turkey as well as watching the relation between the Turkish Republic and the European Commission for the Democracy through Law
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" In his 2007 book on Jim Jarmusch, author Juan Antonio Suarez remarks that the director’s films “are centrally concerned with situatio...
I have observed serious Human Rights violations since early ages, but especially having escaped from being entrapped within the high sc...
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