Friday, 17 November 2017

Notes for November 2017

Migration and immigrants
Migration and immigration legislation in Turkey is mostly made up in response to the circumstances of the collapse of the Soviet Russia period. And those coming from the Soviet Russia or other Asian countries: were already not very much eager to stay and were not greeted with respect anyway, as well: better educated people came to Turkey and most of them left for another country in general. It is also important that although a totalitarian communism was held in the state of the Soviet Russia it was a multicultural society anyway and different languages had its rights to a certain point, and for them learning Turkish was not that a problem or a difficulty. The conditions for that time led people from those countries to work in the unregistered economy as the equivalency of diploma might have been a problem.

Looking at the immigration experience of the European countries we can sum up with problems on the refugee status in the scope of fundamental rights, political rights and economic rights. But in the course of history and in the face of the dynamism of the societies this needs a more pervasive observation and comprehension. Especially fundamental bases for democracy is inevitably requires an upgrade or reevaluation.

Political integration of Kurdish citizens
Kurds in Turkey's democracy is the most difficult subject to understand, comprehend and evaluate. Kurds in the urban parts of Turkey, Kurds in the rural parts of Turkey, Kurds working in the unregistered economy, Kurds employed under horrible working conditions in Turkey, young Kurds, elder Kurds, Kurds chosen to be part of the PKK, Kurds chosen to be part of the democracy in Turkey: Kurd's political history in Turkey, Kurd's democratic history in Turkey, Kurd's linguistic history in Turkey, Kurd's economic history in Turkey, Kurds history of self-consciousness as a society, Kurd's communal history which puts different variations in different regions, etc. are all facettes of the so longing hope for a democratic integration of the Kurds in Turkey. Yet if we observe the democratic establishments throughout the last 20 years in Turkey, Kurds have a remarkable contribution and enthusiasm.

I have to state my own personal opinion on HDP and its leader Selahattin Demirtaş as well that HDP and its leader has pursued a populist politics under the influence of the huge AKP dominance on Turkish politics which caused an isolation of the Kurds from its attempts (either weak or settled) for integration into the democracy. It can be better clarified that AKP dominance on Turkish politics have transformed Kurds or any other movements for a social cause including Republicanists or Leftists into its own identical norms, or enforced grammatically which led them to isolate from the necessity of politics within organisational institution and this whole range of issues were left to the leaders and to the discourses they make from the speaking corners which is an important consequence of what we call today populism.

Brexit of the United Kingdom and the Council of Europe
Will the UK leave the Council of Europe as a result of the Tories’ repealing of the 1998 Human Rights Act?
Does the UK have the legal power to replace the Human Rights Act?
Should the UK have a referendum on leaving the Human Rights Act?
Does Queen Elizabeth II have final veto on the UK leaving the EU?

İfade Özgürlüğü
Türk Yargısının İfade Özgürlüğü Konusunda Kapasitesinin Güçlendirilmesi AB-AK Ortak Projesi

Muhalifler gelecek çağlara seslenir. ‘Meslektaşlarım yanılıyor, ben bunu şu şekilde yapacağım’ demek hiç de kolay bir şey değildir. Ancak en büyük muhalifler mahkeme görüşleri biçimini alır ve zaman içerisinde görüşleri hakim görüş haline gelir. İşte muhalifin umudu da burada yatmaktadır: Bugün için değil, yarın için yazıyor olduğunu düşünür.

Yargıç Ginsburg’un National Public Radio’dan Nina Totenberg ile yaptığı bir söyleşi (2 Mayıs 2012).

İfade Özgürlüğü Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi Başkanı Nicolas Bratza’ya İthafen Kaleme Alınmış Makaleler

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