Sunday, 5 November 2017

CODICES - Environment

"The CODICES database contains summaries (précis) and full texts of around 9,000 decisions, mainly in English and French, but also in more than 40 other languages. All the special bulletins (see above) are also included in the CODICES database, as are the constitutions and the laws on the courts. CODICES is available at It is regularly updated to show recent case-law.
The case-law and the constitutions are indexed according to the Systematic Thesaurus. The JCCJ updates the Thesaurus to take account of new developments in constitutional case-law. The Thesaurus makes it possible to search the database under specific topics, such as freedom of expression, the powers of the Head of State or the rule of law.
The CODICES database greatly facilitates comparative research carried out by the courts, which can draw on approaches already adopted by other countries, particularly in the field of fundamental rights. The circulation of information is therefore a powerful cross-fertilisation tool that enables courts to draw inspiration from the constitutional practice of their counterparts in other countries. While the courts do not always refer to these foreign sources, the arguments they obtain through their comparative research in CODICES enriches national judgments."

On "Environment":

Environment, right  see mainly05.05.01

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