Saturday, 21 October 2017

Corruption, misuse of permissions in bureaucraty, abuse of power - (Will be updated)

"Politics are corrupt when people are corrupter in Turkey."

Turkish people are not, for their habits, much critical  -or with the contemporary trending term- proactive. Their intelligent skills are much more adapted to applied skills but creativity is not more employed although they have their own perception of aesthetics especially in the conserved regions of the cities with historical past which contains quite minimalist and meaningful notions, they can conceive any aesthetic perception either and endure it even through decades in architecture or traditional arts and unfortunately in the language as well.

Creativity is a broad issue and analytic approach to the arts had once took the curiosity like Bela Bartok in Turkey working on Turkish folk music. These were a work of analyse of heritage which is necessary especially in the times of transformation.

Turkey did not know actually in the first decades of 1923 that the transformations it had to endure, experience, face: and Kemalist spirit(or mechanic creativity) were already ought to be weakened which caused a weakness in its centralisation doctrine as well, as we may trace it in the history.

Crimes like corruption are also capabilities with a minimum necessity of analytical skills. So there is usually an organised handling as well. Like hacking an operating system you should first know how it works and then you can presume its 'opportunites' with which you can have but it is already an analogy of thievery in one sense.

Corruption is much a broad issue. Although it is usually employed for only misuse of opportunities of bureaucratic permissions for personal financial benefits and it is also an analogy of thievery. And it has quite a constant reflection and reaction in democracies for refusal and dissent.

However, narrowing down the corruption is actually not really good for a democracy. Or at least if it is perceived as only this way - if our concern is the abuse of power and harming the Rule of Law.

Nepotism is another corruption maybe, it is the same analogy when we face it with only different metas: manipulating the natural democratic and legal circulation of 'opportunities or rights' in a very broad sense to hold, possess a place in the state or somewhere else.

It also reminds us the state of the individual in its relation with the society, state and citizens. Which is also a familial issue: we can ofcourse find the very essence of a society and civilisation in the family however it is also both a totalitarian approach and the disadvantage is not only because totalitarianism is an abusive practice against human rights but also it consequently cause families and individuals to acquire the identical 'approach' against the society, human rights, humanism, values, equality and equity no matter what a State tries to carve this 'family' column beautiful, it is only a one column and so much tension comes so forth within lack of humans' necessary need for a formation of the family or the individual other than how it is presented.

Students in Turkey can admit to a university through an exam (ÖSS) on science and literature: it is an exam for the measurement of the competence among 3 million student each year,("One question means 100.000 others prevailed" once teachers were advising to students at the courses(dershane) for the exams, which were like reminding some dark parts of the history.) depending on the more you solve a question based on a narrow curriculum without scientific bases you can take a step further.  Without scientific bases, students are adapted to use their intelligent skills, and the more you follow this approach more you are close to admit to a university.

Orhan Pamuk once said, employing the memory too much in education is the exercise of obeying the authority and it has to be reminded that in Turkey students are 'evolved through education' of exercising to obey the authority being -made- used to both depending on an unscientific curriculum and use their intelligent skills depending on this regardless of its dilemmas and its consequents are unknown as either you "fail" or "gain".

Unlike the European examples, this entrance exam is the sole requirement to apply to a university: there we come to the 'identity of the student' in Turkey. Such a motivation which is formed by the criterias of the outside in all of its aspects, and only point for a relation between the education institute and the young individual is not the passion or at least a reasonable motivation for science or literature, not her/his opinions, relation she/he finds important between her/his past in the motivation letter and her/his prospective career, dreams, achievements, confidence, quest for being a human but how hard she/he is eager to prevail 100.000 others while being loyal to her/his passions, how hard he works for this exam or how hard recites or dictates the methodology given, the unscientific curriculum, and maybe how hard she/he obeys aiming to be in the route for a title to be obtained.

This is not only the education of the youth: this is also the education of the women in Turkey. This is also the education of artists, historians, businessmen. This is also the education of the politicians, lawyers, journalists in Turkey. This is how adults are educated in Turkey.

Let's talk about the young people in Turkey, but are you really ready for it?

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