Police Forces in Turkey engages in violent action even with the civil, acting for democratic purposes, Rule of Law defender demonstrators in the city. It is very obvious, in the moment of their action, security units disengages with their reliance to their hierarchical command or their command is given very thoroughly not in compliance with law: the representation of law and protection of public security -by force- is left upon each of their individual incentives -without an organizing control- and thus consequently it brings enormous panic to the police due to being present among vibrant protesters in very close distance. Their only commanding order to rely on remain to be their personal feelings within a quite repressed faculty we would say broadly, yet it takes even some time for them to reach their normal civilized faculty.
Taking action while attacking supplemented by oral threats such as “I shall take you into custody”, “I have held you and will take you into custody” is practices not easy to be explained within the law and legal norms.
Such practices including the personal and communal feelings, reflections and thoughts into the domain of violent clashes in order to maintain security is obviously forcibly enlarging the state's responsibilities out of its borders: moreover unmistakably restricting the fundamental rights and freedoms and noticeably violating the basic human rights, yet at least the existence of the security forces presently beholding as such impression and reputation have as such effects to the democratic order.
Security forces used to be more frightening among public at least as a reputation giving them a confidence to act in the face of such public demonstrations enabling them to act more reasonably. Beginning with the mid-2000s, the breeze of quest for democracy had adopted public manifestation into the sphere of Turkish democracy as its naturally related norm.
We can understand that this balance is challenged by the Gezi events but the governments has instrumentalist for different causes: any resolution is presented as a political failure.
We don’t know how far is the damage regarding the education of the security forces since the merit in employment has been discredited due to the infiltrations.
Sole method there remains for the Security Forces in Turkey is to claim that they tend to lose both self and hierarchical control so that to cause again fear, frightening in order to maintain an “order” among the public but primarily the democracy.
EU has for years dealt with torture and duration of custody but nothing else.
It’s an institution in Turkey more than hundred years old tradition and it simply shouldn’t be like this.
Letting the Special Units to attack a democratic demonstration is no way compatible with proportionality.
Letting the Special Units to attack a democratic demonstration is no way compatible with proportionality.
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