Secular community is a part of Turkey consist of immigrants turned back to today's Turkey after the Balkan Wars, and remnants of the Ottoman era bureaucracy as an assumably middle class whom had been partner of the Kemalist development began in 1923. And secondly another part, along with the developments of the Republic such as in education: those of whom migrated to the economically developed cities mainly for educational and secondly employment purposes. Till the Kemalist legacy had its popular consensus among public, subjects of migration from rural to the urban, therefor, shall be assumed to be on the side of the secular or Kemalist political culture by formation especially those educated in the universities of the Ankara and Istanbul. With the exception or division of the DP era migrations of whom the political orientation were defined by the relation maintained with the political power.
Those universities were shaped by the demands of the modern Turkey primarily for the employment in the bureaucracy of a country under development heritor of a lately modernized Ottoman Empire consisting of a population most majorly skilled and habited for agricultural production.
Turkish state was strictly socialist as the state was the primary source of economical initiatives, during the periods of the CHP governing a one-party regime, and its successor DP was consist of rural population today told as land lords as supporter etc. of which AKP take as a root of its political heritage. (Professor William Hale noted in a debate in the House of Commons that Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was not a politician of having rural background but from a culture of Turkish suburb which consist of merchandises of daily products as an economical formation)
CHP had the advantage of, during the creation of the modern Turkey, -while holding the state power, to invite foreigners of different skills such as in architecture, economy, agriculture etc. of which Turkey of that date was lacking as in human resource. Still those urbanized and told to be secular parts of Istanbul, Ankara and İzmir are due to the works of foreign urbanists for their urban planning even today.
An important side of Turkey's economical history that non-muslim subjects of the Ottoman Empire for their relation with the Western world had their modernist transformation begun at least 100 years before those of the Turks or Muslims. Yet the middle class of the newly formed modern Turkey was due to those of the non-muslim community. And it can be said that the democracy and wealth dilemma or agony of Turkey has its roots till this period.
The battle of those on the front and those on the back in purpose of modern development is nearly the thing in common with the story of AKP and DP holding the political majority.
Today, secular community is assumably the middle-class of Turkey but mostly as figures of skilled-workers in the economy, and their skills vary to the limits of the education they can afford, being educated in a foreign country was regarded as a privilege for the lack of people knowing primarily the English well.
Those of the minority who had been able to raise a capital to be able to initiate production such as in the industry is also a modernist dilemma of the recent few decades for the new generations usually have chosen paths in the sectors I described above whereas it is debated that the industrialists of Turkey are usually of lower-class or rural background which is not a fact for humiliation but to understand the motives of being enthusiast.
Although a colorful public life is in quest in Turkey and there is a remarkable demand for this, social, say, requisites of a European public life is not in equity with the Turkish social and economical history.
And even the accelerated modernism of Kemalism or the 1923 Republic one way or another had remarkable results, achievements but those are removed by the change of governments or historical breakthroughs and couldn't be reinstated in the absence of a favorable political party in power.
The battle of those on the front and those on the back in purpose of modern development is nearly the thing in common with the story of AKP and DP holding the political majority.
Today, secular community is assumably the middle-class of Turkey but mostly as figures of skilled-workers in the economy, and their skills vary to the limits of the education they can afford, being educated in a foreign country was regarded as a privilege for the lack of people knowing primarily the English well.
Those of the minority who had been able to raise a capital to be able to initiate production such as in the industry is also a modernist dilemma of the recent few decades for the new generations usually have chosen paths in the sectors I described above whereas it is debated that the industrialists of Turkey are usually of lower-class or rural background which is not a fact for humiliation but to understand the motives of being enthusiast.
Although a colorful public life is in quest in Turkey and there is a remarkable demand for this, social, say, requisites of a European public life is not in equity with the Turkish social and economical history.
And even the accelerated modernism of Kemalism or the 1923 Republic one way or another had remarkable results, achievements but those are removed by the change of governments or historical breakthroughs and couldn't be reinstated in the absence of a favorable political party in power.
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