I'm doing a research on the development of the construction industry in relation to the construction sector -which is broadly not a means of production but a service for organization of labour- during the AKP era.
All I can find in the newspapers are quotations from the governments press releases on the economic growth. And news are seemingly made for advertisement of Turkey.
Even the formula used to achieve the result is controversial whereas international organizations have quite different results.
Journalists still defend that their responsibility is to put what is given to the newspapers but growth is not an as simple term. Its structural for the accountancy (law and state organization) as well as infrastructure not only urban issues but also education and reformation of the ministerial bodies vice versa being requirements as a natural necessary co-relations of growth remaining unclear and are difficult to investigate but at least the state bodies should support and provide such researches.
Moreover, how growth is held as an evaluation of economy is not clarified wether it is based on the employment of the population -which is more likely being done in Turkey- or a balanced growth in each of the economical sectors respectively in various means, at least as a base for having an analysis of the Turkey's economy.
Growth in Turkey is seemingly the spread of the minimum wage through employment whereas the minimum average of rent is its half in Istanbul.
Turkey is far away from the European economical thinking heritage, although once German school had a certain influence on the bureaucracy.
AKP is a party for the development of the Muslim community of Turkey. As a religious minority on the national level, but also being a majority among religious communities it also helped the other religious minorities to advance in means of societal development at least till having a reputation for a democratic character of their governance.
Aside from this, AKP to serve for a transitional governance as being supported by a vast amount of minority and also possessing the traits of those of the minorities, it has brought plurality as a privilege on the agenda of the Turkish democracy. Turkish democracy has been formed within a customs based acta non verba style and its legal bases was not only weak but also absent. Yet still it is, as religious perception of governance more in favor of these to be preserved by moral norms through the religion, broadly, as a politically co-missioned institution.
As their vox populi is limited to that of a religious or conservative community, their governance and its concerns for its abilities can not be integrative but elitist or, say, difficult. European integration was consist of the very few initiatives in means of institution and reforms.
Urban Renovation had given a vast opportunity for the construction sector with legal regulatory measures heavily on behalf of the construction initiatives by statuary acts while leaving a 1700 or more years old city, Istanbul, -possessing one of the most exceptional ecology- in jeopardize of a vicious and unproductive, insufficiently skilled and unintelligent economical sector proposed as a primary economical asset.
Returns gained from the construction was employed for another construction project viciously regardless of the needs of the demography and the economy yet dependency on government has enormously minimized the scope of competition and these private initiatives wether to have any value in the international area is in doubt and seemingly a better-than-worse hope is to have economical relations with the under-developed Turkic countries...
For acquiring skills in construction as an asset to promote in trade the only apparent one is shopping centers which the government seeks to find projects to apply outside of Turkey, but an architectural development has never been a privileged focus.
No ability, for such as renovating the districts emerged without plan between 1960-1990, as urban planning acquired, in which most of the supporters of the AKP are habitant, yet other than having a leader representing their democratic ideals in politics their public life couldn't be developed.
Economical transitions for the changing world are not made structurally and within a certain plan but the only concern was its political representation to the public.
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