Thursday, 1 February 2018

Turkey and Britain

As Brexit seems to be find itself a meaningful way, not yet, but at least there is a steady consensus among the UK public for leaving the European Union: Turkey will try to follow the same path.

European Union is an institution similar to a federal government except that not aiming a centralist governance by the unity of states but the political and legal control for the implementation of the "European Ideals" broadly within the member States as well as promoting cooperation and trade, from one point of view, to preserve those those standards and values.

Yet this also means European Union is a project for the achievement of a certain purpose, eg. ideals: yet preserving those ideals through unity and cooperation among states, while having emerged a political power as well in the international affairs, is also not making the EU a federal project but there are necessities which would come to led the pursuit of the European Union into this form of politics.

So, it is reasonable for the Britain, not to leave, but to conclude its membership to the European Union.

Debates until now seemed like a reaction in purpose of sterilizing everything European from the soils of the United Kingdom but there is a general confidence on the UK institutions for this issue to be managed right and according to the Rule of Law.

This has inspired well the Eurosceptics in Turkey, Islamists for example, for which they were right on one thing that in my opinion those who represented the Europeanization process in Turkey in the recent decades could not really in my opinion be qualified as so.

British influence for which I preserve my own opinion had also an impact on the EU membership process of Turkey. Yet I couldn't find the British influence and inspiration alone itself I would say to Turkey meaningful especially among my generation, I have to add. Yet the relation between the Britain and Turkey was not as simple as it seemed to be, shouldn't be forgotten on the other hand.

Brexit here seems a new page for Turkey's political relation with both Britain and also the EU. Excluding the choices of those who are in favor of a European life-style, which is for me a question and cause the Britain and the EU not to be able to take this side of Turkish civilization seriously in its relations.

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