Gezi Events was an enormous manifestation in Istanbul at the end of a decade of AKP rule in Turkey.
Youth was always a controversial subject in Turkey such as golden youngsters or kind of praises were manifested in the press. But the youth as a public figure was always limited to that of talents or some other exceptional stories. And not as a political figure except the ones that are popular since the formation of the republic. Yet till the 1980s university students were more associated with anarchism etc. and this stigmatization even continued more than years.
Gezi Events as a political defence was actually symbolically intersecting with the way of living of this youth as in good weather youth usually go to some green areas of the city and spend time there, and it was a choice of public life became quite popular among this generation especially with the increase of music concerts at open-air areas in Turkey.
There were other demonstrations for urban causes such as demolition of historical buildings but in these ones the demonstrators for its age group or generation were much different like those who had memories in the public life with those urban subjects.
Yet such an enormous amount of people or youth came together without a demand for a change in regime but solely criticizing a political party and its rule in various fields of the state.
Much also has to be researched for the integration of such a young generation in means of economy and social life wether Turkey is prepared and apparently not.
Yet this generation will also be in conflict with CHP or other so-told democratic parties. And this is a very serious issue.
As CHP is quite happy for its own situation while having a rival party providing many resources of political faults in order to enforce its position of being the sole opposition, yet no responsibility is on their shoulders for the changing Turkey and changing youth. CHP is causing a civil war within Turkey between political views. A conservative party in power is the best way of oppression and forcefully shaping this young generation to remain within the controversial oppositional political view of the CHP.
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