Monday, 22 April 2024

"In his 2007 book on Jim Jarmusch, author Juan Antonio Suarez remarks that the director’s films “are centrally concerned with situations, actions, and locales that rarely find their way into conventional texts because they lack clear signification or obvious dramatic value. But in this lack of explicit value lies their interest: since they are neglected by dominant regimes of spectacle and narrative, they contain registers of behavior and affect that remain to be explored.” While Suarez is certainly right in assessing Jarmusch’s knack for marginal characters and unexplored behavior, I find it a little intellectually facile to simply oppose Jarmush's doubtlessly singular oeuvre to “high-concept, action-packed” Hollywood fare, as Suarez describes it. In my mind, Jarmusch operates well within the boundaries of classical Hollywood storytelling, but uses its devices in a different way."

Monday, 12 December 2022

Five Minutes with... 'Line Of Duty' Cinematographer Ruairi O’Brien

            BBC Line of Duty - Eps. 1 / Camera movements 

 "There’s a huge array of characters on the show so for me it felt quite disjointed as a shoot. Obviously when you then cut it together in the edit it begins to make a lot more sense. David wanted to shoot in a very frenetic style so you constantly had zoom lenses moving in and out and you’d cameras moving and handheld stuff. There was this constant motion so that was a challenge. Even on fairly static dialogue scenes, we were trying to keep it very lively. If the actors weren’t moving, the cameras were."

Five Minutes with... 'Line Of Duty' Cinematographer Ruairi O’Brien 

Monday, 25 October 2021

Adalet Komisyonu ve Terörle mücadele yasaları

Thursday, 4 February 2021

February 2020


Boğaziçi Üniversitesi / Bosphorus University

Constiutional Court aym


Is it acceptable to use data from Nazi medical experiments?

United Kingdom

Bingham Center

United States of America

US Citizenship Act 2020 - at the Congress

Biden’s Immigration Plan Would Offer Path to Citizenship For Millions - NYT
The Reality Behind Biden’s Plan to Legalize 11 Million Immigrants - NYT



Parliament appoints Constitutional Court judge, kills reform of tainted court

"The right to protest cannot be anytime and everywhere. There may be some spontaneous protests but in case of prolonged dissent or protest, there cannot be continued occupation of public place affecting rights of others"


Décision n° 2020-882 QPC du 5 février 2021
Société Bouygues télécom et autre [Autorisation administrative préalable à l'exploitation des équipements de réseaux 5G]
"dans le cadre de l'exploitation des réseaux radioélectriques mobiles, et les mots « et le fait que l'opérateur ou ses prestataires, y compris par sous-traitance, est sous le contrôle ou soumis à des actes d'ingérence d'un État non membre de l'Union européenne » figurant au second alinéa de l'article L. 34-12 du même code, dans la même rédaction, sont conformes à la Constitution."


Turkish Classical Music

Güzide Kasacı - Çekemezler Sevgimizi
Güzide Kasacı - Unut Sevme Beni
Melahat Pars - Ben Gamlı Hazan
Cavit Tanürek, Alaeddin Yavaşça - Bir Hal Oldu Gönlüme Sevda Çekmek İstiyor


thanks to I-CON

Friday, 15 January 2021

CNIL - "Cookieviz" (Turkish - Türkçe)

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Thursday, 5 November 2020

Saturday, 20 July 2019

" In his 2007 book on Jim Jarmusch, author Juan Antonio Suarez remarks that the director’s films “are centrally concerned with situatio...